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Thread: my website

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    my website

    Hi all,

    I have also started my own website for selling photographs. It took about 35 hours of work from start to finish. Let me know what you think. It has been up and running for the last two days.


  2. #2
    Photo Squire gmen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Only an observation retagger, but if you'd like some feedback on your site, it might be a good idea to start a separate thread to invite comments.
    Sport in Essex in Pictures
    <a href=""><strong></strong></a>

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2002
    I actual see retagger's posting as a total advert for the site. Reading it, 95% of sales are from the website and they have been going for a while now. I have thought of moving it, but thought I would wait and see what others think about it first.

    I do agree it isn't a good thing to hijack a thread and really this forum is for discussions on problems, how to do something, look at improving something too, not just a place to say, "Hey I have a website have a look", that can be done in Viewfinder like everyone else does.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Just for your info, I am not "Hijacking" a thread nor am I advertising my site. I just wanted some good advice on my new website. It has only been up and running for only a few days. If you would have just looked at the counter you would have seen that there were only a few hits so how could it have being "Going on for a while". All I wanted is some advice, not your accusations. But thanks anyway. As far as "95% of sales", I got the phrase off of a program designed to build websites. Maybe I did post at the wrong spot on the site, but it was the first post that I had seen regarding a new website.

    Thanks for the good advice Pete. Keep up the good work! One more thing, before you post a reply like the one you did, do a little fact finding first. If I went about asking for advice in the wrong way, I appologize, I just wanted some advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flashram_Peter_AUS
    I actual see retagger's posting as a total advert for the site. Reading it, 95% of sales are from the website and they have been going for a while now. I have thought of moving it, but thought I would wait and see what others think about it first.

    I do agree it isn't a good thing to hijack a thread and really this forum is for discussions on problems, how to do something, look at improving something too, not just a place to say, "Hey I have a website have a look", that can be done in Viewfinder like everyone else does.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2002

    Thanks for replying and I take you points on board as I have said to John.

    I moved the post for two reasons, one to keep your posting regarding your site as a seperate posting to the other person who had asked the same thing.

    With Counters, we can all reset counters so I tend to ignore those a bit as I'm not looking at the design of the counter but at the design of the website, which was what you asked.

    What through me was your statement asking for people to look at your site, which has been up for two days, but within your site, you state that 95% of your business has been from Internet sales, which I found to be a contridiction in terms. Have you had a site running prior to this one ? If so then the statement of 95% makes sense, but saying it with a site that has been running for 2 days, to me didn't sound right. Probably part of a problem with programs used to build website and missed by me, I apologise for that, have used similar programs.

    I'm sorry that my reply has probably been misinterpreted, but I speak openly to people, not just in the web environment but in real life as well.

    Two threads or 200 threads about someone posting up asking to review their website, doesn't matter. The only thing I would like to see, is seperate threads that way, advice given to one person's request to review their website, doesn't inadvertantly detract from each others websites. We are all designing websites in one way or another. Some do it by using programs that use predetermined templates, which you said you used, I have used those as well, but there are some short commings in using them, especially with wording as I have found out myself. Others do it all by hand in a text editor like Notepad, I personally use mostly Dreamweaver for my website design as it suits my needs.

    Look I'm no expert on what is right or what is wrong, I just try and help people where and if I can, that is what I enjoy doing and I'm sorry if I stepped on your toes. I hope we can both accept that and move on. I know you are a good contributor to the forums and other areas of the website.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Website Design

    No problem Pete. You also have a friend in the US of A. I was just looking for some advice. This is my first site and the terminology was taken directly from a web designer program named "Web Easy". No hard feelings!

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2002
    I try to never let things get to hard feelings, and thank you for that. A friend in the US of A, don't know what that means exactly ?

    I think you have done well with the site, but the nature of the site, isn't my Cup of Tea picture wise that is. Doors, Windows and Miscellanous, must be a market for that out there, other wise you wouldn't be doing it.

    The Home page I think is too large, try and shorten it down a bit, people hate scolling windows too much and generally if not attracted within the first 10 seconds, the move on very quickly.

    Being you say it is Old World, the boarder frame is new world, maybe something along the lines of Old World would be better suited, frameing wise I mean. I also wouldn't put the numbers of the pages there, you want people to go directly to the Windows or Doors and scroll through what you have on offer, not pick a number (not that that isn't correct either, but just commenting). I looked at the images, and though they weren't the best quality to advertise for sale, need to be clearer to the viewer (my opinion), especially if selling. Paying for the picture at the prices you are quoting, I would like to ensure I was getting high quality images.

    As I wasn't buying anything, I didn't test your shopping cart side of things at all, expect that is pretty standard anyway.

    Hope that little bit of feedback helps.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    monroeville, pa, usa
    Quote Originally Posted by Retagger

    ....I just wanted some good advice on my new website....
    here are some thoughts:

    1. consider where you want the visitors eye to go. i say this because the mulitple framed colored border is a large distraction 2. likewise, are you selling photos or old cameras? the images on the home page give confusing messages. 3. what text is most important? not all of it, but you have it all bolded as if it is. use selective bolding to better zero in on what is important.

    a lot could be improved here. i'll just mention two: 1. you specify one font (Futura Md BT). not everyone has this font. specify a number of fonts. otherwise, you leave it up to the browser to decide what font is used-- could be ugly. 2. your javascript is very bloated --larger file size from sloppy code--- should be rewritten.

    hope this helps.


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