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Thread: HTML Template?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    HTML Template?

    Hey all,

    I've sort of taught myself HTML and CSS, but making a photo gallery photo by photo would take FOREVER. I'd like to be able to basically write out a template, and somehow apply it to a folder of pictures... like for each image page, I'd have a header with links to previous and next images,but they would have to change with each page. What I'd like to be able to do, really, is make one "album" page with thumbnail styles, and then one "single photo" page with my single photo styles.

    By the way, I've tried every trial version of album generator software that I could find, and I haven't really liked any of it - I haven't had enough control.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: HTML Template?

    Ever thought about using a forum style photo album where you can upload images as you like, create delete and organise albums within, all in a web browser.

    I use Coppermine for mine and it is very easy to use once setup.

    Look at

    and it is free too.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Re: HTML Template?

    That does look like a good program, and it would be nice to be able to do that. However, I forgot to mention that I will be hosting it at my school, and I believe I am not allowed to use MySQL. However, I just looked at the "features" - before static webpages were the only thing allowed, and now it says "CGI (Perl) and Server Side Includes". This is what I have to work with, because I want to host at my school. Will I be able to use coppermine? Or is there another option? Thank you.

  4. #4
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    Re: HTML Template?

    Have a talk with your school and let them see what you are thinking about. They might let you use MySQL, or might even set it all up for you, which probably would be best if it is in a school environment. It is very easy to use, setup is not that complicated, but does need to be followed to the letter. I haven't come accross anything with CGI or SSI that met my requirements, that is why I am using coppermine.

  5. #5
    Member SunnySideUp's Avatar
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    Re: HTML Template?

    Can you use PHP? If you can there are several free scripts our there for photo galleries and many can be modified for what you need. If one is set up for a MYSQL database you can modify it to use a .txt file.
    On my site I started with a .txt for the 2003 year but for the 2004 year I went to a MYSQL database.

    Have fun.

  6. #6
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    Re: HTML Template?

    Here's a free php gallery that I use: It's VERY easy to set up.

    check out my site at

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Re: HTML Template?

    Coppermine looks like a cool program... unfortunately, I can't use PHP. And by school, I mean University, and I can't really get more options from them. Is there no way to somehow generate static HTML pages? I'd like to be able to write out the code, with links to next photo and that sort of thing, and have the next photo replaced with the appropriate link. I don't care how long it takes to set up, I've got a bit of spare time to work on this.

  8. #8
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    Re: HTML Template?

    Before I went to php I used acdsee 4.0. I have 7.0 but I specifically liked 4.0's html output better. A little work with that and frontpage and I had a pretty decent site.

  9. #9
    this is not my beautiful wife... stevenlmas's Avatar
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    Re: HTML Template?

    If you have Dreamweaver and Fireworks there is a "Create Photo Album" option in Dreamweaver that does a pretty good job of generating a web album. Unfortunately DW and FW are pretty expensive, but they do offer the entire Macromedia Studio package (also incl, Flash and Freehand) for $199 U.S. for teachers and educators. You can DL a 30 day trial from Macromedia to see if it is worth buying.
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  10. #10
    Mig is offline
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    Re: HTML Template?

    I actually just wrote a Perl script to do something similar. The Perl script looks through my thumbnail directory for any files with a .jpg extension. It then builds a gallery three columns wide and generates the links to the larger files which are in a folder called photos. For my purposes I didn't make next photo/previous photo links, but that can easily be added. Perl (with some mods) can also autogenerate the thumbnails from just larger images, but I prefer to make them myself.

    I'll put my sample gallery up when I get home so you can take a look.

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