Hi guys!!
I have a very simple website (www.deesplaceonline.com) as you can see. It's really just for my own fun, and for friends to go "Ooh! Aren't your puppies cute!". Three of the sections are open to anyone (my puppies, my travels, my work). But two of the areas are to be closed off from public viewing. One is the one for family (nothing posted there yet) because of the kids. The other is a personal journey that will be open to women who share the same journey.
Anyway, that's my longwinded way of saying that I want to set up a registration page, then a log in page, but I'm not getting it apparently. I've used both the Dreamweaver MX 2004 suggestions and a variety of tutorials I've found on line and nothing seems to work.
I don't work well with code (as my siggie says, I'm a visual gal!) so stay in design for the most part, referring to code when I have to.
Any suggestions on where I should go from here?