Since I have launched my site a few weeks ago, i have made some improvements with the great help of Peter, and the rest of the members in this forum. I have also come across a few little things that might help others, if they do not know already.
One of them is having your links to other sites open up in a new window. If you only place the url in the link, then the visitor is taken to the links site and removed from your website, which would make it very unlikely that they might make the effort to return back to your site.It's best to have the link open a new window, so when the visitor closes the links site, your site is still there in it's original window. The visitor never leaves your site.
To do this, you need to place a piece of coding into the url code.
The code is target="_blank"
This code is to be placed right after the last quotation marks in the url.
Lets say the link url is . . .
a href="">text
You would place the code after the last quotations and it would look like this:
a href=""target="_blank">text
This is very quick and easy to do to your existing site. Just copy the code with a right click, and then paste it into the correct spot on all your link codes.
I'm sure many know of this, but if someone could benefit from this then that would be good.
Over and Out