Can anyone give me a recommendation for a book on how to build a website? I'm looking at something pretty basic, both as far as my skill level goes and as far as what I want to do with it.
I want to build a photo website, and really like the very classy simple look to Sebastian's own site for example. I have a domain name that I used with a template site but have since cancelled that site although still have the domain name. One other thing - I have a Mac and there is a way to easily upload a website to .Mac but that's not really what I'm looking for (would rather use my domain name, and I don't think that's possible). Can I use this software, or do I need to get something else?
For hosting, I know I won't need much - a "basic" package should be fine. I don't need an email address on that domain name, and would probably go to a contact form instead of just listing my email address.
I'd rather spend the time to learn how to do it myself than spend more money on something that might be easier. Plus it will give me more options for changing things later. Any tips?