Before they had rear LCDs and before they had did people know they weren't over or under exposing their shots while using flash with film??
I'd like to use my old 540EZ more often, but as some of you CLAN O'CANONs know, it works only in fully manual on DSLRs.
What I'm doing so far:
I set the camera and flash to fully manual.
I set the shutter to a familiar sync speed like1/60.
I set the flash power to 1/8 (I'm now guessing).
I shoot a FEW times and adjust the f-stop higher or lower until the historgram looks good.
I want to avoid "shooting a few times" just to get it right. I'm bothering people and I'm wasting battery life.
Is there an old school method/rule of thumb I can use to use this flash in manual efficiently?