Ok, I am an avid surf photographer and I want to start shooting from the water.
Even if you have never shot from the water or have any experience in surf photography, I have some questions about tech that I am sure you can help me with.
As for film vs digital, I am ruiling out film because it is just too hard to swim in and paddle back out past the breakers every time you have to get a new roll. Convenience is key when in the water.
I currently shoot with a digital rebel. However, there are two reasons why I do not want to get a housing for it. 1) if my SLR ever got damaged it would be a BIG loss. 2) It is just too expensive for me. So, I am looking to get a point and shoot digital camera and housing. Prefferably canon. Here are a few things I need:
1) at least 1/1000th of a second max shutter speed
2) little or no shutter lag
3) it needs to have good wide angle zoom, at least down to 25mm (as a 35mm equivilant)
4) It has to be at least 4 megapixles
I would prefer it to be as inexpensive as possible, or mass produced, so it would be easy to find on ebay or elsewhere used. I would also prefer that it use a compact flash card, as I already have some.
Any help or suggestions for reaching these goals is greatly appreciated. I know it might not be able to be done, or it might not be able to work exactly as I had planned, but I am willing to try.
thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.