I'll be shooting skateboard photography with an XT. I have the 430ex right now on a hot shoe slave off camera, but I'd really like to get my on camera flash disabled. I'm pretty sure the route i'll be going is get some slaves off of ebay, (http://cgi.ebay.com/Digital-Radio-Wi...QcmdZViewItem),
and a vivitar or sunpak flash for my rim light,
Configuring it would be fairly simple, no? That transmitter fits right onto the hot shoe on the camera, and i would just need a hot shoe-pc sync cord adapter for 430, and i could put the shoe shoe slave on the fill flash so it will fire when the 430 does via ebay slave. Is this all I'll need? I just want to make sure I'm not forgetting anything.
EDIT: And this will allow me to shoot with my flashes at over a 1/200 shutter correct?