I bought the Spyder 2 Express, installed it, and ran it (on the third try). Lots of problems getting this installed on Windows Vista (no chance of operator errors of course). After installing it and running it I am confused (surprise! surprise!). There was mention in the instructions that it was very important to know how to manually adjust the red, green, blue, contrast, brightness, etc. I ran the progarm and it scanned for red, green, blue, gray, etc. then it said to remove the device from the screen. At this point, I was expecting the program to tell me to make some adjustments using the mechanical buttons on the HP LCD monitor. Did not happen - basically it said the adjustments have been made and your new monitor calibration is in place. Is this normal? Did it automatically make the adjustments? If so, why the verbage about making manual adjustments? Maybe I wasted my money and it whirred, buzzed, loaded test colors to the screen, then left the manufacturers preset on the monitor and said: "finished, here's your new calibration".