I have a Canon Powershot S3.
I've been playing around with it, I've read some of the manual xD
Recently I noticed I had a tiny dent in my camera. I dunno how I got the dent there though. {Scroll down for the pic}
Anywya, my problem is that, my camera has one of those flippy LCD's. So if you were holding the camera, you could flip the camera LCD over and take the picture of yourself.
When I turn it to the side, to take a pic like the long way, it flips me upside down. I dunno what's going on, and i'm sorry if you don't understand me.
it's like, you flip the LCD so it's facing the way the lens are. And then you turn th camera to the side to take like, a headshot of yourself. Only when I do it now (And it never happened before) the picture flips me upside down. however, when the lcd is in its original spot, there are no problems of taking side pictures
I'm sorry if this is hard to understand, it just struck two here..
That's about where the dent is, and the dent's really small.