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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Question What should I choose: HP or CANON (both for printer and digital camera)

    Hi everybody!

    The following is my situation in which I need some advices so I can take a final decision:

    I fixed myself a ~350 EUR(420USD)budget to buy a digital camera and a multifunctional printer(both for personal/home use and not for professional matters).

    After reviewing some market prices, I came to the conclusion that I would allocate 200 EUR for the digital camera and 150 EUR for the printer.

    Now, my doubts are when choosing the brand for my purchases (as I want both products to be the same brand).

    The balance is between HP and Canon. I like and trust the performances in these two domains of the both brands.

    The thing is that when I am buying something, I choose the brand that pioneered that category, for example: Nokia/Motorola(but Nokia is much better than Motto;P)for mobile phones, Samsung for LCDs, IBM for Computers, etc.. I think you get the idea which is simple- the main activity that got up a company should always be their forte point, no matter that other companies reprofiled on the same domain as that's an economic trick on how to make money nowadays.

    Anyway, getting back to my dilema, I know HP as printers and Canon as digital cameras. But I want both of them to be from the same brand.

    Please let me know your opinion on this matter, what choice would you think best, why and maybe some model recommendations.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Pentax Forum Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Platteville, WI, United States

    Re: What should I choose: HP or CANON (both for printer and digital camera)

    Hello Nosmoking, based on what you are interested in, I personally would go with the canon stuff. I think that the Camera will be your most important purchase between the 2, so it makes sense you make your decision on it. Although I feel that HP cameras are probably good, I know that Canon makes excellent products. I've used both Canon and HP printers. I always had my best results with the canon, however, I know that HP has made great strides in the photo printer market. Again though, because I feel you'd be better off basing your decision on the camera and not the printer and the fact you want to use the "same" manufacturer, IMHO, I'd choose the Canon stuff. However, if you do mix them...which I don't see any problems with, I'd probably go with the HP printer and the Canon camera, since those are the only 2 choices you gave us.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member freygr's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    Portland, OR, USA

    Re: What should I choose: HP or CANON (both for printer and digital camera)

    Quote Originally Posted by nosmoking
    Hi everybody!


    The balance is between HP and Canon. I like and trust the performances in these two domains of the both brands.


    Anyway, getting back to my dilema, I know HP as printers and Canon as digital cameras. But I want both of them to be from the same brand.

    Please let me know your opinion on this matter, what choice would you think best, why and maybe some model recommendations.

    Thank you!
    I beleive you would be happer with the cost of owning a Canon printer as the HP cartridges are costly. HP cameras aren't made by HP but another camera manufacture for HP.

    Make sure you purchase at lest one extra set of batteries and a out of camera battery charger.

    I personal like Epson Photo printers and their water proof inks.


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