Hello Everyone!
After seven weeks of “repair,” I just received my Canon Powershot S70 digital camera back from the Best Buy Service Department. I had taken the 12 ½ month old camera to be fixed due the LCD image and subsequently the photographs being whited out and barely visible.
I was thrilled that I had succumbed to the extended warranty given the past demise of a 14 month old $300 printer. There seems to be a one year benchmark, ehhh?!
Upon picking up the camera, I was informed that they had unsuccessfully attempted to contact me to let me know that the estimate for repair was $427 due to water corrosion damage not covered by the warranty. I was told that they had not fixed the camera given that they had not had my permission to do so. Apparently, the service department had not changed my contact information to my new phone number as I had asked them to do upon dropping off the camera.
Seven weeks later, I have a now 14 ¼ month old broken camera for which I paid $500 and $200 in accessories. In the past year, the camera has only been used moderately with no incidents other than maybe a few shots in very light snowfall that would have exposed it to water. See photo below with arrows indicating damage taken by the service department. Sorry for the poor quality. It’s a scanned picture of a black and white copy from the nice guy at the Best Buy geek squad desk.
Any thoughts as to how much water it would take to penetrate a camera and cause corrosion damage? I’m a camera ignoramus so I can’t tell by the photo- What part of the camera is damaged? Where would the water have leaked in? Is there any way to tell if my camera is not sealed properly? Anyone know of others with similar problems with the S70? Any suggestions for dealing with the Best Buy Service Department?
Any suggestions on a replacement if it eventually comes down to that? The S70 is a bit bulky but I like the wide angle lens. Any thoughts on the new S80? Would my charger, batteries, memory cards etc. be compatible with the S80? Actually, I just checked and it looks like the batteries are compatible but not the memory card, correct? The S80 looks smaller in the online photos- How much smaller is it? Are there any more compact cameras with a wide angle lens?
In a nutshell, I’m flat broke and do not have the money to fix or replace the camera so your feedback is greatly appreciated. I’m in the San Francisco 94110 area if anyone has any suggestions as to where I might be able to get an inexpensive second opinion. Also, any recommendations on other sites where I should post for advice? Ahhh, I just moved to San Francisco from Boston (originally from Louisiana) and desperately want to take photographs now but would hate to put another purchase on my credit card!
Thanks so much and have a great day!