I do understand the basics of computers, downloading, uploading, etc. I have uploaded thousands of pictures in the past to sites like Kodakgallery, shutterfly, and snapfish. However, ever since I started using a new camera (Canon PowerShot A570IS), I have trouble posting any photos. I have the same problem if I try to post a picture on eBay. I can only imagine there is some setting I'm not aware of whereby the pics are not recognized properly by these sites now. They are saved as .jpg files. The Canon software is ZoomBrowser EX and it works fine to save the pics to my PC and I can work with them on my PC (move to new folders, rename, etc.) with no problems. The only trouble I have is when I try to post them to any website (I've tried all 3 picture sites) and I've tried from another computer too, and I have the same problem, which makes me think it's not a connection problem, but something in the way the picture files are saved.
Any ideas? It is driving me crazy b/c I can't share pictures with friends!! THANKS!!