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  1. #1
    Dinosaur carney2's Avatar
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    Prime Portrait Lens for a Nikon

    I've looked at the Reviews and can't come to any firm conclusions. I need suggestions for a prime portrait lens for a Nikon. SHARP is the key here. Will seriously consider any and all suggestions including "off brand."

  2. #2
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    85mm f/1.8, by far my favorite prime from my old Nikon kit. Very sharp, fast, and a ver good size, not as intimidating as the 80-200 was.

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  3. #3
    Mi tortuga es guapo. Kokopeli's Avatar
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    Are you shooting...

    Film or digital?

    If film, I agree with Sebastian. If digital, I would go with the 50mm f1.8. Nikon digital would turn the 85mm into a 127.5mm lens. This would be fine as well as long as you have the space to use it.

    Nikon Samurai #3

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  4. #4
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    85 f1.4 AF-D. Unbelievable lens, beautiful wide open. Out of focus backgrounds are very smooth. The word "sharp" doesn't begin to cover it! This focal length is great on both 35mm and DSLR's, but are you talking full length, 3/4 or what?

    Agree with Seb, the 80-200 2.8 lenses are a little big and paparazzi-looking for some people, although they can be a great choice.

  5. #5
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
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    hey Brian.... your quote has hit my email in box too many times to count in the last 3 years!


    ADD THE 60 MICRO to this list too.... macro shots and SHARP portraits


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  6. #6
    Dinosaur carney2's Avatar
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    More Info

    Thanks for the comments. Just to respond to a few of the points made so far:

    I am still shooting film - exclusively. (Having just purchased some film for an upcoming venture and paid for some processing, I may be re-thinking all of this very soon. Pro film and "quality" processing at one's favorite local lab have become prohibitive.)

    I own the 80 - 200 mm f/2/8 and, as indicated, find it bulky and intimidating. Hnad held shots can be particularly vexing. I've talked to a number of people "in the know," and all seem to agree that zooms "have come a long way, baby," but nothing beats a quality prime for sharpness in portrait shooting.

  7. #7
    Dinosaur carney2's Avatar
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    The Questions Never End

    I've done some research based on the suggestions so far. The manual 85mm f/1.8 non-AI (52mm filter size) is widely available and reasonably priced. Manual is quite acceptable - even preferable - for portraits, so that is not a problem. My question: Is this the quality (sharp!) lens that I need? (There are other 1.8's and 1.4's out there.)

  8. #8
    re-Member shutterman's Avatar
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    I have the 85mm f/1.4D IF AF Nikkor and use it on the N90 and D100. It is just great. I traded in my 105mm b/c it took too much room to work with. Looking through that 85mm lense is like looking on a another world! I love it!

  9. #9
    Mig is offline
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    What body are you using? Non-AI lenses don't fit on modern bodies, and fit on only some of the older F series and Nikkormats.

    D'oh - those profiles sure are handy little things aren't they? Just checked and saw you're using an F100 - the non-AI definitely won't work. You can find out from Nikon if it can be modified, but I don't think it would be worth it unless you already owned the lens. AI'd, AI and AIS will all work though. Here's a compatability chart.

    Edited to clarify that while AI'd, AI & AIS lens will work, there are some metering and mode limitations

    Last edited by Mig; 05-20-2004 at 12:39 PM.

  10. #10
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mig

    Edited to clarify that while AI'd, AI & AIS lens will work, there are some metering and mode limitations

    With an F100 and AI or AIS lenses, you won't have matrix metering. That's probably not important with portraits though. I've heard that the 85 f1.4 AF-D is a little better than the manual focus versions but have no personal experience with any of the MF versions. You still might want to stay with AF lenses for future metering compatibility with something like a D100, D70 or whatever else comes out.

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