Alright, so I bought this Z6 awhile ago and it doesn't something really weird, I've had it sent in for repair once already and it still does it.

Here's and example, I see a cloud I want to talk a picture of at dusk so I go and take one.

I'm shooting in Program mode by the way, but most everything is automated, I'm only turning off the flash and changing the saturation a bit.

And it comes out fine, then I go ahead and take another...

Yeah, that's the second one, here's the third:

So now I know something is wrong and I take the camera and point it at the ground, then I take a test shot, you know, to see if it was just too bright.

But here's what I get:

So I take another:

You can't really see it, but the reason those photos are so white is because everyother line of pixels has turned entirely white. I resized them down from a large resolution to spare you the pain of loading them.

And they come out like this for quite awhile, slowly getting better and better the longer I wait. So I set my camera down and pick it up in a few hours, or maybe the next day and everything's all better.

All I want to know, is what I've done wrong that's causing this. Am I not supposed to point it anywhere near the sun? Cause my smaller, more snap-shot digital camera works just fine if I point it at the sun. I can't return the camera so either I'm just going to use it as is or throw it away. I'd be too mean to try and resell it to someone when it doesn't really work.

I've read through the manual and scoured the internet but no-one else seems to have this problem.
It's a good camera aside from this problem, and if I didn't have this problem at all, it would be perfect for me.

Any help would be great.