I came out from a pub quiz at my kids school tonight and discovered we'd had the first snow of this winter...Wanted to document it for my friends at N&W, so I thought this would be the time to dust off my tripod that I haven't used in 7 years and trotted down to the local park at midnight...I got scared off by a circling van with loud music blaring out, so in the end, I just took a few shots right outside my front door! There was a bit of street lighting (to the right of the photo) but not much and there's a huge, completely dark cemetory right behind the house in the photo and a big park behind my house, so not much city light in the near vicinity.
The data for the photo: ISO 800 (auto), aperture priority: f13 at 30sec, focal length 17mm, white balance on auto.
I've only resized the photo, nothing else (it's become somewhat softer in resizing).
I guess the clouds are orange due to the ambient city lights of Copenhagen? The right tree looks a bit greenish, would that be the street light? Should I have done something with the white balance?
And then there's that funny light thing in the right tree that trails down towards the centre, sorry I don't know what you call it, I'm sure it has a name! Would that also be the street light, shining into the lens or what? Can I do anything to help it in the future, like put a lens hood on? And can I remove it from the present photo, which I kind of likeWas aperture priority f13 a reasonable choice? Or should I have picked an even larger f-stop? I just let the camera choose the ISO, is that reasonable or should I choose manually - in which case, any good suggestions?
Sorry, if all these questions are a bit dumb :blush2: but this my first attempt at night photography and long exposures. I'll be most grateful for any help and advice