I have been trying to figure out what to do for a good while now.....
I have been using a film SLR (Canon Rebel T2) for about 2 1/2 years now and I am
slowly but surely getting better......my problem is I have thought about buying a
digital camera for a few months now,but I have never owned any kind of digital camera
whatsoever.....I thought about getting a dslr but it took me forever to understand about the crop factor....I shoot mostly architecture (I have the original 28-90mm kit lens)but
sometimes need a wider angle and if I got the XTi it would seem like I would need
an expensive wide angle lens like the 10-22mm or the 12-24mm to tell a
difference on a dSLR am I right? I also thought about the Olympus e-500
I have read where it is full frame (I don't know if thats right I just read that)
and it is only $489 with single kit lens, but I would have to learn
the Olympus system....Or I even thought about buying a SLR-like camera like
the Canon S3 IS, and getting a less expensive wide angle lens like the Tamron
17-35mm for my film camera & wait till prices come down onthe XTi's..... the
frustration is driving me crazy.....what do you guys think I should do........ thanks:mad2: