The optical/digital zoom discussion sparks the following scenario for a mathematically challenged wannabe photographer:
I have a Canon 40D. I have a EF 17-40mm 1:4 L USM lens. The lens has the zoom ring and the ring to focus -- I don't know the proper terminology here. SIDENOTE: So, would the optical zoom multiplier be 2.35?? Why haven't I seen any fractional optical zoom numbers, but this is what I get??
My camera has a zoom button for a 5x or 10x. So, thanks to you all, I now understand that the optical zoom will zoom and keep all the available megapixels, whereas digital zoom merely crops in-camera. So, on my Nov. mechanical project I optically zoomed to get what I wanted, and then digitally zoomed to try for the best focus (I used manual everything) on the LCD. Does it work like that??