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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    atlanta, ga

    Nikon speedlight SB-24 and D50

    Hey everyone, first post here, but it looks like a good, helpful board.

    Anyway, I recently got a used speedlight sb-24 to use as a shoe mounted flash on my Nikon D50 DSLR. Anyway, the flash itself seems to be working fine, but it doesnt seem like it is communicating with the camera all that well - i find myself having to adjust settings on the flash to avoid absolute over/underexposure. Now I know that the sb-24 is an older model, but should it communicate better with the camera when on automatic settings? or will i just have to adjust settings by hand in order to get the right exposure with the flash? Also, seeing as i got it used, it didn't come with a user manual, so any insight/advice would be welcome.


  2. #2
    has-been... another view's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Rockford, IL

    Re: Nikon speedlight SB-24 and D50

    The SB24 is an older flash that doesn't support Nikon's latest iTTL used with newer DSLR's. I'm using an SB28 which is very similar but a little newer and it doesn't do it either (my DSLR doesn't have iTTL). I use it on non-TTL auto mode which should show up as "A" mode on the flash's LCD panel. Set the aperture on the flash that you want to use (based on the distance scale on that screen, for example) and then set that aperture on the camera. Make sure both are on the same ISO setting and you should be in good shape. It's not perfect, but should be fairly consistent.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    atlanta, ga

    Re: Nikon speedlight SB-24 and D50

    Thanks. Yeah by virtue of messing around with i've been figuring out how to get it to work how I'd like. Just curious if I was doing something wrong.

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