Has anyone done much of a comparison of the new Hoya HD filters to some of the more familiar high quality filters? I'm mostly interested in their new C-PL HD filter, as it allows a lot more light through than their previous Pro line of C-PL filters, and seems to be rated as on par or better than other like Singh-Ray, but there aren't too many reviews to substantiate this yet... The best SR one is also a warming filter, and I'd prefer to stay neutral if I can..
I just picked up a a regular Hoya HD UV filter to check out. At first glance, it really seems sharper than my Rodenstock UV filters... I would do a side by side comparison, but they are not the same diameter, meaning I'm testing on different lenses... Not really fair... The lens for the Hoya HD filter is of better quality to start with too... Oh well...
So, has anyone else looked into these yet? Have any opinions? or do I get to guinea pig these myself?
- G