My best friends want me to take some photos of their newborn! Yikes!
My fault for saying i need a "test subject" lol.
Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for settings i should try..
The basic layout will be this...
In home...Only lighting will be house lights (i do have two work lights i can use if need be) backdrop...white backdrop...And a room about 24 foot long.
Equipment-Nikon D5000....Regular built in flash....Lens-AF-S 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6G & AF-S 55-200mm 1:4-5.6G
I want to take all the photos in Manual.
I am wanting to be able to get the black and white backgrounds "blurred" enough that they actually appear black and white and not streaked.
Should i have the baby right in front of the backdrop? Further away from it? What if the baby is lying on it? Should i be close to the baby or further away?
I want to be able to crop as well, so i know i need to allow space for that..
I know it probably really depends on a lot of factors once i start shooting, but i was hoping to maybe get some ideas.
I feel like such an idiot really for asking. I'm just now really getting an understanding of Apreture, DOF, and all that good stuff.
They want to at least get 3 or 4 good ones they can possibly frame...