I love the look of macro photog. and I love to zoom so close till I cant anymore.
I am having somewhat of a hard time figureing out how close to be to the subject. Ive been told you have to get right up on the subject to get those super close out of the oridinary views shots, but Ive tried that and all I get is a blurred photo.
How true is that? and how do I do that and not get blurred photos?
I havent been able to shot anything in macro using my 150mm lens, but I have great luck with my 45mm. They are not macro lens but I use the macro mode on the camera, and also I have lens attachments for macro shooting +1, +2, +4, +10 that I have been trying out with no such luck.
I get better macro photos using my 45mm lens and in protrait mode on my camera..
Any advice or tips to getting great macro shots I would greatly appreciate.