Hello All,
I am new into the community and don't quiet know if this is a right place to post my query. I have Canon SD800 IS Digital ELPH camera (2GB mem) which I have been using since more then a year now. I was trying to copy the picture onto linux box, after copying (and while deleting the set in camera memory) my system crashed and I have gotten a lot of pictures like the one shown in sample here. I am not sure if its a camera issue or something gone wrong while copying the images. I copied the images from the following day and they didn't show any problems (and also with system crash), while opening the foto using GIMP photo editor I get a message "corrupt JPEG data: 7 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd9".
Appreciate if someone can guide me on what could this possibly be and how to fix these fotos.
Here's the link to sample foto
Many thanks in advance,