I just picked up a SanDisk 8-in-1 card reader last week at a Best Buy that clearly said on the back, "Built for OS X". But when I open the CD, the highest folder choice I get is "OS 9 +". And when I try to install, my Classic environment launches.
When I went to their website to look for an updated driver download, I found this:
"Macintosh - OSX, OS 10.1
1. May work on OSX if the reader is plugged into the computer with the card already inserted
2. Otherwise the reader not supported on any version of OSX; may work when booted into classic version 9.1"
So my question is, is anyone using this card reader with OS X and plugging it in with the card already inserted and it's working? (the words "MAY work" scares me.) Should I still install the CD first? How does that work?
OR, do you think I can return this product even though I've thrown away the original packaging? It's clearly mislabeled.