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Thread: Lighting

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    De Pere, WI


    I need help with lighting. Last night we went to the circus and the pictures were really bad. I am new to this and just wondering what is the best setting for low light and high light with a kidak z740.

  2. #2
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Platteville, WI, United States

    Re: Lighting

    Hi JM...I don't know this camera, but I just helped a friend set up her Panasonic for a George Strait concert this past weekend. What I did for her was to set hers up for a High ISO, large apeture, and a long shutter speed. I then gave her ideas for what to do when she started shooting. That was to use a tripod, to prevent shake, to take a shot, look at it, adjust shutter speed (faster if too light, slower if too dark) until she got it what she wanted. This seemed to help her and she got some nice shots. But she didn't know her camera well enough to change it to get her friends and husband, so she just left it as I set it. Now that was for low light. For bright light, you are going to want the opposite. You'll want a low iso 50 or 100 (200 ok) and a fast shutter speed. Also a small aperture. If you set your ISO on your camera, usually your auto program can adjust for the other things, but as I said, I don't know your camera specifically. While watching tv at night or in any low light situation, grab your camera and try different settings and see what they do. This will help you as much as the advice you get here. Also, during the daytime, take a few minutes to go outside in bright light and play with some of the settings to see what they do.
    I hope this helps a little. These are just a couple of the things that I am doing to learn my camera technique as I'm fairly new to all of this also.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member freygr's Avatar
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    Re: Lighting

    Quote Originally Posted by jacobsmommy
    I need help with lighting. Last night we went to the circus and the pictures were really bad. I am new to this and just wondering what is the best setting for low light and high light with a kidak z740.
    Your eye can see better than the camera. Your camera only has so much light gathering. Two things deturman how low the light can be, before you photo become really bad: 1) The speed of the lense (the F stop). 2) The sensativity of the imaging sensor. And the type of photograhy, sports and action shots need a lot more light than landscapes note the landscape is not moving. I've given up taking good action shots in the indoor horse arena, but the same photos even in the evening (before sunset) out side are always much better.

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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Nova Scotia

    Re: Lighting

    The larger the apeture, the shorter the depth of field, makeing critial focus more important.
    The internal flash on digital camera have a maximum range of about 20 feet. After that distance your flash is useless.
    If you require more light output you must have an external flash unit

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