Reading reviews/discussions on lenses, often the information includes statements such as "if you get a good copy" of the lens or "I got a bad copy." These comments are so frequently made that it made me curious as to just how many "bad copies" are out there. I began to notice this phenomenon when checking out reviews on different web sites before purchasing the Canon 17-40. I then read reviews on other lenses and discovered this seems to occur more frequently with the more expensive lenses.
Just how many good vs bad copies of lenses are there to qualify these statements? When I checked dpreview for additional information/reviews on the 17-40, I found comments about "good copy" and bad copy" used constantly in their lens discussion forums. I really wonder if some people think they have a "bad copy" if they don't get the results they expected for whatever reason.
Any thoughts?
BTW, I got a "good" copy of the 17-40 - I LOVE THIS LENS!