I'm relatively new to photography, and just last year took some classes, and got a decent camera.
I have a Konica Minolta DiMAGE Z6, here's a link to the camera if you're not familiar with it. It's a great camera for a beginner, and I'm very happy with it.
I received a telephoto lens for my birthday, which of course I was very excited to use. Here's the lens:
It came with this adapter:
And also, these filters:
I've never used a telephoto lense before. When I attached it properly (To my knowledge, it is compatible with my camera, fits perfectly, and was listed as one of the camera's accessories.) I have to zoom in to photograph anything, as there is a large black circle around the object I'm photographing; the lens. If I zoom in, all is well except for the photograph quality! I had my apeture set to F4.5, my shutter speed at 1/1000 and exposure at -0.7. It is also on auto focus. When that didn't work, I tried the camera on the auto setting, which was better, but still crap.The picture quality is crappy, it will not focus, and everything appears to have a glowing light around it. I have no idea how to fix this, I've been experimenting with it, and have yet to figure it out. I've attached all filters with the lens, and still am having problems. What can I do? Is this normal? How can I fix it? Is my camera simply not good enough quality to handle a telephoto lens?
Here are some sample pictures. These were just 'see how close I can get with my new lens' pictures. Excuse the poor photography.
WITH the new lens. Blurry, glowing, and poor quality. Picture of my horse's back, from the porch of the house.
Better, but it's now distorted, and looks like I'm looking through a fish bowl. Still HORRIBLE quality, but the best one I've managed to take with this new lens.
Now these are WITHOUT my new lens. Just the camera itself. MUCH better.
Anyone have any idea what the problem is? Very frusterating.