Hello - Iv have just started photography - both digital and Film cameras..
I have one of those Kodak easy share Cs330 point 4MP - rather decent for point and shoot.
- and i have recently recived from my dad 2 older film cameras - a Praktica L2 and a Nikon Fg -- im failry famillar how to set those up - but the Praktica also comes with a lens im not fammilar on how to use at all - its rather old as well .. apparently its for macro shots and that is what im interested in -- the lens is an OPTICAM 1:2.8 -- F=135mm - is it really for macro? - also how come to get even focused on a subject even far away i have to have the apperutre so slow that the picture comes out dark? - I have a hunch it varries on many things but a little help would be nice..
Thanks - Baden...