Just started and i have questions!
Hello - Iv have just started photography - both digital and Film cameras..
I have one of those Kodak easy share Cs330 point 4MP - rather decent for point and shoot.
- and i have recently recived from my dad 2 older film cameras - a Praktica L2 and a Nikon Fg -- im failry famillar how to set those up - but the Praktica also comes with a lens im not fammilar on how to use at all - its rather old as well .. apparently its for macro shots and that is what im interested in -- the lens is an OPTICAM 1:2.8 -- F=135mm - is it really for macro? - also how come to get even focused on a subject even far away i have to have the apperutre so slow that the picture comes out dark? - I have a hunch it varries on many things but a little help would be nice..
Thanks - Baden...
Re: Just started and i have questions!
Welcome to PR!
The 135mm lens may not be strictly a macro lens. This was a very common focal length of that era. It might be macro capable, but I doubt it without an adapter, extension tube or filter type diopter corrector. I'm not familiar with that brand and is it specifically marked as a macro lens?
As to the pictures coming out dark, is your meter accurate?
I'm not sure as to what you mean by about it having to have a slow aperture to acheive focus? I would hope you are focusing with the lens wide open and then manually closing the ap or letting the camera do it once you've established your exposure setting.
Hope this helps a little, will answer more if needed or other questions and again Welcome to PR.
Re: Just started and i have questions!
oh ok! - wow thanks so much for that - so there realy isnt any problems with my lens - its just that it only has one focal length - so in this case my 135mm is for realy far away things that need to be enlarged?? - - if thats correct then, i think weve solved it lol --
- Thanks so much guys - Baden...
Re: Just started and i have questions!
Yes - sounds like this lens has only one focal length which is 135mm. There are reasons you may choose a prime (single focal length) lens over a zoom (range of focal lengths) lens - it's not a case of one being better than the other.
A 135mm lens is a telephoto lens so that's why it magnifies things that are far away. For comparison, a 50mm lens is considered "normal" and fairly close to how your eye sees. Shorter focal lengths like 28mm are wide angle, which do just the opposite of the lens you've got.