Hi there,
I'm sorry in advance for asking such stupid questions but in my defence i am a beginer who's been asked a favour quite above my ability but i want to do the best job possible for a friend.
Here's the rub - not really too comfy with indoor shooting but the brief is indoor modelling/ boudoir shots. So really i have 2 main problems which i was hoping someone would be kind enough to help me with....
Firstly, i've just upgraded to a Nikon Coolpix 5000 and hotshoed a SB24. I've done a few practice shots & initially had a problem with blurring which i sorted by heavily lowering the ISO and varying the Fstop accordingly. The next problem i'm really having is the white balance which i'm having trouble understanding - if anyon'e familiar with the camera perhaps they might recommend a setting for the conditions as the presets don't really look that good.
Overall, the pictures are crisp but look very amatuer which may be as a result of the white balance - &/or the second problem.
The second problem is I don't have any light source other than the SB24, the window & the house lights (halogen) - & i don't really have the funds to buy a studio lighting rig. Is this part of the problem of the pics looking very amatuer? or should the house lights and speedlight be enough to compensate? i have tried rebounding the light from the SB24 and this seems to work quite well although it can over expose on occassions.
Any words of wisdom would be gratefully recieved.
Thanks in advance.