Hi, Everyone! I haven't been to this site in a while, but I'm back now to beg for any and all advice that you have to offer. I've been asked by some family (family to be actually, my fiance's cousin is getting married) to take pictures at their wedding. They are trying to keep the cost down, so they didn't want to hire a professional. I am a COMPLETE amateur!!! I love to take pictures, and like someone else here with a similar problem stated "I sometimes get lucky" and get a good shot. I'm happy and excited to do this for them, but I'm also terrified!!! I thought I would just be able to take my camera to the ceremony and get some good shots and call it good. I had no idea there were so many things to consider, such as lighting, flash distance, and film speed (I've mistakenly always used the highest ISO I could find...now you have an idea of how much of an amateur I am!).
I'll be using a film camera, a Nikon N80. I haven't been to the site yet, but I hear that it doesn't get much natural light and the ceremony is taking place in the evening, at 6:30. At this time, I don't have an additional flash, but I may consider buying one if I absolutely have to.
I need your help with everything: flash considerations, what type of film to use, do I have to have a tripod, lenses, filters, etc... Also, if anyone can recommend some good books or authors so that I can do some additional research on the technical stuff, that would great! I would also love to hear any tips you can offer on how to make sure I get some fun pictures of the bride and groom, because I think that's what they really want.
So, I realize this is a broad question, and I hope that's okay. I'm just trying to soak up as much information as possible before the big day.
Thank you!!!