I don't think we hijacked his thread, but provided a good discussion that let me learn a thing or two, and hopefully everyone learned from it.
Those examples you posted(boston.com), although cool, move into the realm of clownish to me. I can look at every one of them and say: HDR. UWE's post says meh to me, again I think that with a little post processing the same look can be accomplished. Medley's post shows me more detail without that HDR look. I guess that's what poker has too. But with a little post processing I think I can attain the same look as he got with the merge.
Here's an example of what is possible without any HDR, at least that's what Marc says.
Marc Adamus. Although I suspect his hand blending techniques could probably be labeled HDR. If I can achieve anything coming close to Marc's work I'll be completely happy with or without HDR.