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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Having problems creating an HDR image

    Hello. Haven't posted on here in a while but decided I'd ask a question. I've been trying to make an HDR image on photoshop using merge to HDR. I shot the photo in RAW and from that made three different exposures. I understand this isn't the best way but I just wanted to try and make an HDR image and I know people who have done the same thing. I converted the RAW files in photoshop RAW and saved them as TIFF files. I then chose these three files to make an HDR image but every time it goes through the process and comes up saying there is not enough dynamic range to make a useful HDR image. I have tried doing it with 5 different exposures and even 7 different exposures but still not enough dynamic range. What am I doing wrong or what can I do so it will work? Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
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    Dec 2004

    Re: Having problems creating an HDR image

    with HDR you are supposed to take two completely seperate images with different exposures, then combine them. when you convert from RAW, you are essentially taking an image that has fairly low dynamic range, then dropping its exposure or boosting it. but you aren't getting all that much shadow detail or highlight detail back, because even RAW, it's only adjustable by about a stop. try shooting two completely different exposures and see if that works.

  3. #3
    drg is offline
    la recherche de trolls drg's Avatar
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    Re: Having problems creating an HDR image

    Six or more stops, 4-8 images minimum when taken digitally, is really the only way I've found to get HDR to really shine. There's some further information here:

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