I have an Olympus E-620 that I bought new about two two months ago with a 14-42mm lens. I got a just opened (technically used) 40-150 mm 3.5-4.5 zuiko lens to go with it, and the two lenses and camera have worked wonderfully for me up until yesterday. I noticed that the pictures were a little fuzzy, and I turned my noise setting to off and the reduction to off. I tested the camera with all the levels of sharpness, noise settings, and at fast enough shutter speeds to ensure image quality and no vibration. I also compared image quality with the 14-42 lens. That lens still had great image quality, narrowing it down to a problem with the 40-150 lens I believe. I just cleaned the optics on the lens and there are no scratches or blurs on the glass itself. I also tested to see whether or not it was an autofocus issue, and the same problem exists both with manual and autofocus. It is not a depth of field question either, as the image was still a little fuzzy whether at f4.5 or f22. The image is not super blurry, but the image appears as if there is just a little bit of motion blur all the time, even though I know there isn't any. Please help me if you know anything it could be! Thanks!