Hi, I just noticed something when I looked inside it, there are 2 rectangular frames behing the lens, one nearest the lens appears to be for horrizonal framing of the neg. The one furthest frames vertically. My question involves the vertical / larger piece. The left side curves out because there are a couple of props pushing it neatly and evenly out. The right side has no props and sits on top of another flat plate. However, mine does not sit flat, it is curved upwars on one side unevenly. Either it has been bent/damaged or just too long as ther other side is bent out neatly with the props uder it and this side has none, if this is the case then it is a design issue and all 645zi's are like this.I assume these frames are to stop internal reflections or to create the borders on the negs ??? Is your 645zi like this.