OK, first of all, don't sigh. This is another question about film.However, I am coming at this slightly differently as I have a pretty good idea of what I want to know and how to ask.
Since 1971 I have used Agfachrome or Agfa Optima (II Prestige). I always loved Agfas true rendition of colors and limited saturation tending towards blue. (Rather than Kodaks consumer films renditions tending towards pleasant Suburban Reds and yellow) In the last year or two, maybe longer, Agfa has come across hard times and I am thinking I need to get accustomed to a different brand. I have been looking at a great many manufacturers and feel that, for landscape and portraits, Fuji has some of the more consistent colors, saturation, latitude and fine grain. That said, I also see that some of the old standby Fuji brands nomenclature are being changed on some and the emulsions are being changed on others.
Still with me? Question is: Given the terms I have mentioned above, does anyone have experience with the "newer" Fuji products, or, suggestions as to another film, with examples, perhaps, unretouched if possible, that I can see and thereby make a decision on what I want to use. I find that my use for so many years of Agfa has left me limited of knowledge about other brands. As far as processing I would prefer, but am not limited to C41. (I will try E6 if recommended) Fuji is my starting point as I have studied for some time its results on the web. But, so many photos, so little time!I am open to trying a few rolls of any recommended film. As always, thanks in advance.