Well, I finally got to the point where I fee okay about taking pictures at this wedding that's coming up, but the mother of the groom has now asked me to take outdoor candid shots at the rehearsal dinner this week-end...it never ends with these people! I have very little experience with evening pictures, even with point and shoot, I've primarily taken daytime shots. Will I be okay with 400 speed film and 50mm lens and SB28 flash? I also have the 28/105 lens, but I haven't used it in low light situations yet and I don't think this is the time for experimentation. I've searched other threads here, but I couldn't really get an idea of what would be best. Some posts make it seem like maybe 800ISO would be best? Will I get a lot of red eye in this situation? I'm going to buy a flash bracket, but even though I know it may be the best thing to use, I feel silly using it (a complete amateur posing as a real photographer).
As always, thanks for you input and patience. I hope to someday feel confidant enough to contribute here instead of just mooching all the free photography advice!