I just came back from Cancun last Saturday and I have most all of the pictures back. There were a few rolls I missed in my camera bag and then of course I have to finish out the roll in my camera. But anyways, it was a lot of fun and I did get some nice shots, but overall I was kind of dissappointed. I would have had a lot more nice shots but a lot of them turned out real grainy, and there were a few that were blury from my own faults like not focousing right or the exposure settings weren't right. The problem I am having though is all the grainy pictures, and a lot have a faint line across them. I don't know if it was me, or my camera or the printing or devolping that made them so grainy. I was hoping that someone would know. I know it would probably help if I looked on the negatives, but they're hard to see, especially the faint line because it's hard to see even on the print. I'd like to post some to show you what I am talking about but we can't find the power cord to my scanner, but when I do I'll get a few up. So if anyone knows what the problem might be just let me know because I would like to reprint them if it was just the printing, but if it was the negatives, no point right?