Hiya folks,I'm new here.* Hoping the vast knowledge base within this forum can help me with a problem.* Perhaps understanding it is my problem.* Here it is.* I'm an old school printer.* Letter presses and offset.* Dont have a clue about digital presses which my world has been converting to.* Whenever I printed photos on those old presses we operated in terms of 'DPI'* Dots per Inch.* Printers still do today even with digital presses.* Between 300 & 600 DPI is adequate for good print press rendering up to 5x7. My problem is no matter what resolution photos are at going into my computer, there is no guarentee they will end up the same coming out.* Example.* I up loaded a photo from my digital camera to my computer.* The photo was taken at the highest resolution setting of an 8.2 camera.* Looked great on my computer screen.* When I sent it to a comercial printer the resolution was barely 150 dpi.* I checked the photo in my Photo Shop program and it showed it to be nealy 1200 dpi.* What happened?* I did have to convert the photo into a 'pdf' file but I was assured by the software people that nothing was lost in the conversion.* It seems this problem is intermittent because I have received other photos from other people at much lower resolution and they have printed well while other photos of much higher resolution become pixilated at relatively small printing size (3x4).* Am I doing something wrong with the camera in uploading to the computer or is it something with the computer I dont understand.* Hope someone here can help me out.* Thank you.