I have a 2 year old Canon D60 and recently I have been experiencing some unusual problems. The batteries (lithium Bp511's) seem to be very draining very quickly, within 20 mins or so, but if the camera is left and turned back on several hours later the batteries show full charge. Canon said it sounded like the batteries needed to be replaced but I find it odd that both batteries, purchased at the same time would deteriorate at exactly the same rate.
Also, the other day the camera acted like it did not register that it was in flash mode. Instead of synching at 1/60, it was wanting to select a shutter speed without flash.....then suddenly it reverts to 1/60 and takes a normal picture.
Has anyone ever had something similar happen and what was the solution. I want to be able to have an idea of where the problem may be before I talk to another Tech.