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Thread: Corrupt File

  1. #1
    Fluorite Toothpaste poker's Avatar
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    Southern California

    Corrupt File

    I was using my Canon DREBEL today and one of the shots I took said "corrupt file" with no EXIF data available. Is this a weakness in the CF card or the camera itself. Should I expect more? Is it time to exercise my camera warranty?

    Help! Thanks!
    Canon 5D MKII & Canon 7D

  2. #2
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: Corrupt File

    I'm just guessing here, but I would be more likely to plame the CF card over the camera. I shoot with the DRebel (300D) and have had a couple bad files (3 or 4) over the last two years and over 15,000 photos. If I remeber correctly I was still able to open all of the files, one way or another though and resave them.

    I don't remember seeing the "corupt file" warning though. Did you get this warning in camera or on the computer? Does it happen on the same card or on different cards? Is this the first time you have seen this or does it happen on a regular basis? I would make sure you get everything off your card, and reformat it, in camera, and go from there. If the problem persists, I would try a different card. If it's still happening, get it looked at.

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  3. #3
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: Corrupt File

    I'm guessing that it's the card too. If you need that shot, then you do have some options for recovery - see the "sticky" thread at the top of this forum.

    It's best to shoot, then download the card, and then re-format in the camera before you shoot with that card again. I've never had a corrupt file by doing it this way.

  4. #4
    Fluorite Toothpaste poker's Avatar
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    Southern California

    Re: Corrupt File

    This is the first time it ever happened to me and the error showed on the camera at first.

    I better double check if it is the CF card I bought on Ebay...hmmmmm.

    I was hoping you guys would tell me to get the camera serviced....then they might just give me credit to buy a Rebel XT!! Hehehhehe...

    Thanks for the help guys....
    Canon 5D MKII & Canon 7D

  5. #5
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Corrupt File

    There are known problems with Canon and some cards.
    Both Canon and Lexar have issued media alerts which describe issues discovered between several Canon digital SLRs and Lexar Pro 80x CompactFlash cards.

    That's back in May 2005 and I have one of the problem cards.
    It worked OK in my 20D but failed in both the 1D bodies.

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  6. #6
    Erstwhile Vagabond armed with camera Lionheart's Avatar
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    Re: Corrupt File

    Definitely the card. We've got 4 different digital EOS bodies at the office, and occasionally get this problem, but they've always been on the bargain CF cards (no name generics that were really inexpensive, but got replaced after quickly after a short history of corrupt file problems that formatting didn't seem to help). Had a few problems with Kingston CF cards, and Lexar cards too. Have yet to have a problem with the Sandisk cards in any flavor (ranging from the cheap no speed rated cards to the Extreme II's and III's). All our cards in the office are now Sandisk's-not worth the headache of lost chairside time when getting RAW images for accreditation cases.
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