I just received an email from a female friend about the many uses of coffee filters. One of them said: Clean windows and mirrors. Coffee filters are lint free, so they'll leave windows sparkling. Another said: Protect a cast iron skillet. Place a coffee filter in a skillet to absorb moisture and prevent rust.
So I speculated that coffee filters might be good for cleaning camera lenses. Although they are a little stiffer, they look quite similar to the thin, disposable paper lens cloths you buy in a packet. I tried a coffee filter on an old, cheap lens I'll never use again, and rubbed hard to see if it left any visible scratches. It did a better job of cleaning it than the soft, felt-like, lense cloth I usually use, and I couldn't see any scratches.
But before I try to use it on my good lenses, I wanted to throw this out for dicussion.