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  1. #1
    eager beaver soren's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    best compact flash card???

    im finding mixed results on this question

    im looking for a 512mb or 1gig for my d70

    from the link above it looks like the sandisk ulra II or extreme series seems to be the best bet, although the camera shop i go to does not like sandisk or how it performs and advises against it. im looking for a speedy card for action shots (auto racing), i dont want to be missing out on a great photo if the card is slowing me down. because from what ive researched the difference between a slow and fast card could be 4-5 frames

    any comments on the list of card speeds in that list (link above)??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    SanDisks are fine

    Of the top five or ten fastest cards out there you will not notice a difference in write speed. They are all so close that the differences are very slight. SanDisks Ultra II is a fine CF for your application.

    Unless you are shooting in extreme heat or cold and banging the camera around or shooting a couple thousand images a week and reformatting the same card, you don't need the anything more than what you mentioned.

    Plus Amazon has them on sale right now for 83 bucks. Free shipping too.

    "Foolish consistency is the hobgobblin of little minds." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  3. #3
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    Chicago Suburbs

    Some cards work better with some cameras than others, and it all can change if either thecamera or card have major changes in firmware.

    Avoid the el-cheapos and you should be fine.

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    How to tell the most experienced shooter in a group? They have the least amount of toys on them.

  4. #4
    Member Norman's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Your camera store......

    might not like Scandisk because of the big box stores, such a Futureshop because they discount. A lot of Independent Retailers look for off brand or less available brands so they can preserve their margains against price comparisons.

    I remember Rob Galbraith doing testing & reccomending Kingston cards as being fast, but I could never find them in Canada.
    Happy to Photograph

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2004
    Santa Clara, CA, USA
    My research also seemed to indicate Sandisk Extreme. I just bought a D70 too and many websites and posts seem to recommend Sandisk extreme agains the Lexar 40X. There have been cases where people have bought Lexar 40X and returned it in favour of the Extreme. But I haven't heard much about the new Lexar 80X, that may be better.

    So as of now I went ahead bought the 1G Sandisk Extreme at B&H which has the best deal at the time I bought, around $280.

  6. #6
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Rockford, IL
    Other than write speed, they're all the same until there's a problem. I had a problem with a brand new Lexar 512 40x card, and they took care of it immediately. Even had the customer service manager call me the next morning to make sure everything was OK. Because of this, Lexar is all that I use.

    Dennis - the link brings up the price at $120 right now (4/19 a.m.). Still a good deal but not that good!

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