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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Best 35mm SLR for under $400?

    Hi all,

    Wasn't too sure where to post this one to (new to the forum)...

    I'm going travelling sometime soon and obviously I'm gonna want to take a few (ok, lots) of snaps along the way.

    I've decided to get a 35mm camera for the job. Simply because it's a lot easier to buy reams and reams of films as aposed to having a digital, where you'd have to get more and more memory everytime.

    So what SLR would you guys recommend getting for under $400?


  2. #2
    Frequent Lurker
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Florida, USA
    Hi Dale, welcome.
    We will really need some additional information to provide any meaningful answer. Is the $400 limit only for the body or are you planning to include a lens in that amount? Do you presently have any 35mm equipment? Are you planning for other accessories such as an external flash, camera bag, etc.?

    You will likely get the a number of responses some promoting all of the major camera manufacturers such as Canon, Nikon, Minolta, etc. Bottom line is all of them make good entry level cameras most with similar features. My suggestion is to go to a local shop where you can get your hands on a number of different models and see which "feel" best to you. As others will probably tell you, remember that you are likely buying a system, not just a camera. Sure you can change it later, but will likely lose money in the deal.

    All of that being said, I have used a Canon Rebel 2000 for a few years now and have been happy with it. It has a fairly good set of features. You could also consider the Rebel Ti which is supposed to have a few more features and different feel than the Rebel. B&H Photovideo in NY has a Rebel 2000 kit including a 28-80mm zoom lens for $240. They have the same kit with the Rebel Ti at $270. Another option is to just buy the body and get a different lense, but you are going to have a hard time staying within your budget this way if you try to go for a better lense than the kit lense. The 2000 is $200 and the Ti is $210. The next step up the Canon line would be to the Elan 7. You could get the kit for $400 not including shipping, so it would push you over your budget. I'll let someone else try to sell you on the other brands as I have no experience with them. In my opinion, unless you have a specific need for a feature in a higher end body, you are better off spending money to get better lenses.

    Another option would be to look at used. If you do this I would recommend that you use someone reputable with a return policy such as B&H or KEH in Atlanta.

    A last option would be to look at a 35mm Point and Shoot camera. There are some pretty good ones out there that would come in well under your price range. Obviously, they are not going to be a versatile as the SLR in the long run, but might fit the bill for a travel camera.

    Good luck in your search.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Port Hope, On, Ca
    k-1000 off ebay

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