I am trying to work out what batteries and camera to buy.
A problem is I heard some rechargeable batteries do not retain their charge for long if the camera has not been used for 6 months or so. It is hard to know how often I would use the camera and 6 or 12 months may easily pass before it is used again. However, when I do use it, it would be good to have batteries with some charge and be ready in the camera. I don’t want to replace or recharge batteries most times I use the camera. I heard some lithium batteries can cost perhaps $30 and may only last about 2 years even if the camera is not used often. Therefore AA batteries may be more economical as 2 rechargeable ones may only cost about $5.
So is it true that non rechargeable batteries normally discharge at a much slower rate than rechargeables?
Roughly how long would an average rechargeable be effective for if it was fully charged and put in a camera that was not used? I assume it would have to have well over 0 % to be usable.
What batteries would take longer to discharge?
Are there any good cameras that are affordable where the batteries can be internally charged inside the camera? In theory this could be done to any camera if wires were connected to the terminals and if the other end of the wires were connected to a slow charging battery charger. What do you think of that idea?
Your help is appreciated,
Regards Richard.