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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Herts, UK

    Automatically Renaming Files?

    I typed in "digital camera forums" into google, and this was one of the first places that popped up, so here I am

    Now, onto my question:

    Does anyone know the name (or link) to an automatic file renamer?

    There are loads of renamers out there, but what I really want is one where you install it, tell it which folder you want it to monitor (and possibly what you want to change on each file ie numerical, date/time etc). Then each time you put a file in the specific folder, it automatically renames it (maybe like file1 file2 file3 etc etc).

    Reason being my new camera names the pictures DCIMXXXX (where XXXX is a progressive number 0001-9999).
    Which is fine, until I move, say, file DCIM0001, into the "Camera Pictures" folder on my computer's HD, and delete it off of my camera's memory. The next time I take a picture with my camera, it will be named DCIM0001, and if I try and move it to my HD, it will give me the message about a file with the same name being there.

    So can anyone give me the name or link to an automatic filename convertor?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Jefferson, WI, USA

    Re: Automatically Renaming Files?

    Irfanview ( is a free program that has a batch program for renaming files. Although it is not as automatic as you are asking for, it is very versatile and easy to use.
    Is there a setting on your camera that would prevent it from starting over at 0001? Some cameras allow you to choose, I think.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Herts, UK

    Re: Automatically Renaming Files?

    My camera is the Coolpix 800.
    I picked it up a few days ago on EBay, and its the first camera ive had. I checked the manual, and it does say something about unique filenames, but it doesnt go into any detail. Its called SEQ. XFER on the camera.

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