Ok I havent been taking pictures seriously for very long I took a little photography class
on the internet......I have been trying new films and I like black& white....so I thought I would try Kodak T-max 100 speed...the pics turned out OK as for as composition goes
( I am still learning) but they were to light. I shot most of the pics in the point & shoot mode on my Canon Rebel T2 camera....My question is how do I get the dark
rich b&w pics that I see on the gallery here...I absolutly love that look.......Do I need to
Change the aperture to let in very little light
use a filter like yellow, green, red etc...
or let someone that really knows what their doing take the pics
Someone suggested developing the pics my self , but thats not going to happen, I barely know how to use the camera let alone develop my own film...... I took the film to a professional lab, but I dont think I will do that again..... 2rolls of t-max 60 prints cost me
$43......... I am kind of frustrated, everyone that sees my pics says they are really good but I just dont see it.......any help would be much appreciated.............