Can anyone suggest how I should develope this film. Developer? Time? It really is Agepan, not Agfapan, and should have been developed before OCT 1979. I acquired this 120 roll when I bought a Hasselblad 500c camera from an old photographer. He also gave me two rolls of Tri-X (TX) which had both 'process before' dates as JUN 1978, I exposed both rolls with EI: 50, 100 & 160 (each subject got three exposures) and developed them in ID-11 1+1 for 8 minutes. They came out suprisingly well considering the age of the films and the fact that they had been stored in room temperature. The EI 50 was the best exposure. I would like to have as much fun with this Agepan film, and would appreciate any advice and suggestions you can give to me.