Wow, it's been a VERY long time. First off, I feel like I owe everyone an apology. It was never my intention to disappear on you all. Life just got crazy. Between school, work, and life I actually ended up going a few months last year without touching my camera once. My heart just wasn't in it. Before I knew it so much time had past that, to be honest, I just felt funny about coming back. I just want to say thank you to those who kept checking in with me, particularly Greg and Ali. You two are the best and I am truly grateful for your friendship.
For those that are interested, school has been going well. Just finished my first year with a 3.96 GPAI really didn't end up really shooting anything until the end of last August. As much as I LOVED my 4x5, with everything going I just did not have the time to dedicate to it. The process of shooting with it, which I loved so much, was its downfall in the end I guess. I ended up picking up a Nikon F3HP and a 50mm f/1.2 Ai-S the end of last Summer and that's what I've been shooting with since. I've been trying my best to make time for photography over the last 6 months or so. It is an escape that I have missed and have come to realize I need for my sanity...LOL I can make no guarantees on my future here is. Life is crazy, but I will try my best to check in periodically. So in closing, here's a little of what I have been up to photography wise...
These are some shots of my girlfriend that I have been dating since last August. We had a fun little portrait session. These were shot with the Nikon using Arista Premium 100 developed in Rodinal 1+25. Printed on Fotokemika Varycon VC FB Matte paper with Ethol LPD 1+6 and toned using Kentmere Rapid Selenium Toner 1+!9.
Here's a couple shots of a hiking trip I took with my mom and sister for my 30th birthday last October. Shot with the Nikon and Velvia RVP100. (You'll have to excuse the focus on the first one. While it may not look like it, the light levels were pretty low with the overcast skies. Shooting wide open at f/1.2 doesn't leave much room for error DOF wise)
To finish up, here are the last couple shots I took with my 4x5 before selling. These were from the same hiking trip. Shot with a Nagaoka 4x5 with Ilford FP4+ film developed in Rodinal 1+25. Printed on Fotokemika Emaks G3 paper in Ethol LPD 1+6 and toned with Kentmere Rapid Selenium Toner 1+19. These are just contact prints though. Wish I had room for a 4x5 enlarger so I could get these the way I want them. Dodging/burning a 4x5 print is a b****...LOL