This is the second roll of film shot through the Ricohflex TLR. It's my first roll of Velvia - I'm hooked! The color of these shots is amazing. Walmart developed for $4.88! Apparently they cannot scan, so what I did was put the slides on top of my laptop (while displaying a white screen) to form a makeshift lightbox. The only problem is, the DSLR/50mm actually resolves the individual pixels of the laptop screen, so you see a grid pattern on the slides. Certainly not a perfect method, but it's alright. The main problem is that it destroys the fine detail. I'll get prints next time and scan from those.
Along a Fall trail.
This is one of my favorites. The actual slide isn't this dark and has a little less contrast. It's incredible.
This isn't bad, but the lens parallax threw me off - no floor on the bridge
Not sure about this one. It looks pretty bad here; the slide is ok, but I'm not sure.
Old camera + timer + cold weather = stuck shutter. Overblown sky, but I actually like the trees and the somewhat ghostly look of the building.
Ah, that's much better. The shutter actually stuck again, but I was expecting it and knocked it closed. I think that may have introduced a little camera shake though. Anyway, the colors in this are fantastic. This is Velvia!
Another great one - reflection on Patton Creek. Again, the Velvia is magic here.
River of Leaves. There's really no justice for this one on here. The slide looks awesome.